Do not take nursing so seriously

Take a minute. Have a good RELAXATION

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Communication Technology

Hi All,
I strongly believe that technology is very helpful in overcoming communication barriers between people in health care. For example, nurses often have to work with people who do not know English enough to communicate properly their needs. Electronic Vocabularies are very beneficial for these patients. Usage of this kind devises can help patients find proper word to explain their feelings, signs, and symptoms. Moreover, they even do not have to say this word; they can show a devise’s screen to the nurse and she/he will read it. This kind of devises reduces significantly a risk of misunderstanding between nurses and patients. I believe that in the health care field understanding between a patient and a health care provider is extremely important. I cannot, but agree that use of communication technology devises will benefit a patient’s health.

Best regards,

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Love your pet.

Hi, Hi, Hi!!!
How are you today? How is your pet doing? I believe that when you come back from your hospital or clinic after shift, first who meet you when you come to your door is usually you pet. I do not even say about evening shifts. At this time your pet the only one who still wait for you. Around midnight, when you come back, your children sleep and husband snore on a coach in front of working TV. Is it familiar picture? You pet ready to spend as much time with you as you can spend with him or her. Pets ready to put away everything for a minute they can be with you. Please, give them this minute. They really need it. I do not remember who said that ‘your dog is the only person on this Earth who saw his god alive’. Continue to be a ‘living’ god to you pet, good and caring god.
See you soon,
Here is some interesting story:
“A group of people helped save a man's life on Thanksgiving.He was playing football when he suffered a heart attack.That's when all the right people, and even a dog, came together to save his life.”Full text on:

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Gossips, Gossips, Gossips

My dear friends,

Today I want to talk about gossips. Do you like gossips? We are nurses. We like to talk and discuss different aspects of our and somebody else’s life. We like to talk about artists, movie stars, discuss what they do and how they do. Moreover, sometimes we also discuss some of our co-workers while they are not in the room. How do you think, can these discussions be considered as a gossip? If you discuss with you fellow nurse professionalism of the other nurse, clinical behaviour of this member of the health care team and her or his attitude toward patients, is it a gossip? I believe that every one of us at least once have heard this kind of discussions or even participated in it. I just want to remind you that our words can be a very dangerous weapon.

I remember good old story about gossiping. My friend from New Zealand sent it to me years ago. Here it is:

Once upon a time an old man spread rumours that his neighbour was a thief. As a result, the young man was arrested. Days later the young man was proven innocent. After been released he sued the old man for wrongly accusing him.In court the old man told the Judge: ' They were just comments, didn't harm anyone. 'The judge, before passing sentence on the case, told the old man: ' Write all the things you said about him in a piece of paper. Cut them up and on the way home, throw the pieces of paper out. Tomorrow, come back to hear the sentence. 'Next day, the judge told the old man: ' Before receiving the sentence, you will have to go out and gather all the pieces of paper that you threw out yesterday. 'The old man said: ' I can't do that! The wind spread them and I won't know where to find them. 'The judge then replied: ' The same way, simple comments may destroy the honour of a man to such an extent that one is not able to fix it. If you can't speak well of someone, rather don't say anything .

‘Let’s all be masters of our mouths, so that we won't be slaves of our words.’

I wish you a good day, a calm shift and a nursing rest room without gossips :)